Maspalomas forum
General Maspalomas discussion
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Where to stay 3 months
3 replies 1 helpful posts

cheap rental accom
3 replies
News in Maspalomas
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Where to buy things in Maspalomas
Find out more about where to buy things in Maspalomas

Where can I find Chinese Bazars or Shops?
2 replies 2 helpful posts

Where can I buy a decent BBQ?
1 replies 1 helpful posts
Recommended Tradesmen and Companies in Maspalomas
Find out which tradesman and companies people in Maspalomas are recommending. Find recommended builders, electricians, plumbers, carpenters and more in Maspalomas.

Can anyone recommend: window cleaner
3 replies

Where can I buy second hand bikes
9 replies
Moving to Maspalomas: tips and advice
Are you looking to move to Maspalomas? Talk to residents about the best place to live, hints, tips, advice and much more.

Meeting people
11 replies 3 helpful posts

Two month rental required for August and Sept
4 replies 1 helpful posts
Broadband Internet, Wifi, Phone and TV in Maspalomas
Discuss broadband internet, Wifi, phone and TV in Maspalomas. Topics ranging from ADSL, ISPs, broadband speed tests and checkers, cheap broadband and phone deals, choices and comparison, fibre broadband, superfast satellite broadband and more.

Best internet provider Gran Canaria ?
10 replies 3 helpful posts

Amazon fire stick uk tv package
5 replies
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